This natural mix of herbs was developed by Dodson and Horrell to bring relief to horses that are easily stressed or upset
€ 23.75 23.75 EUR
Performance-Sports Chaff
Saracen's Performance-Sport Chaff is a fiber-rich, 100% natural, straw-free product ideal for horses in medium to heavy work. Formulated from non-GMO Britisch alfalfa, it includes a light blend of molasses and rapeseed oil.

Suitable for horses with respiratory problems, because in the manufacturing process the dust is extracted and dried at high temperatures. It is free of preservatives, colorants and additives. Contains a blend of highly palatable pasture or meadow grasses, making it suitable for horses with capricious appetites.

The blend of soft alfalfa with the grassland herbs facilitates chewing and provides a natural sweet taste. This alternative to forage is also beneficial to digestive health, as it increases chewing time.
€ 24.36 24.36 EUR
Ideal for horses and ponies with respiratory problems or who are sensitive to dust
€ 9.78 9.78 EUR
Performance Concentrate Muesli
The Performance Concentrate Muesli is a concentrated source of nutrition in a muesli format. It contains several supplements for sports horses and can be used to balance oats or other straights.
€ 32.73 32.730000000000004 EUR
Performance Balancer
High specification balancer formulated for the athletic horse
€ 49.40 49.4 EUR
Perfect Gentleman
Perfect Gentleman is a herbal blend that contains chamomile, lemon-blam, passion flower, hops and magnesium. It is developed to promote an even temperament in geldings.
€ 28.28 28.28 EUR
Pasture Mix
Developed alongside Dodson & Horrell's glycaemic research, Pasture Mix contains unique, micromanaged, specially cooked cereals, providing a safe way to feed energy for active, working horses and ponies. This product provides a calorie level tailored to horses in light-medium work, without compromising on the high quality of ingredients or essential nutrients.
€ 26.34 26.34 EUR
Pasture Lick
Saracen Pasture-Lick is a vitamin and mineral lick intended to balance any mineral deficiencies for horses and ponies fed on a forage only diet.

Herbage analyses that have been carried out over a number of years have clearly shown that there are widespread deficiencies of minerals, of both major and minor elements within modern grasses.

These deficiencies can give rise to a number of problems in horses, in particular breeding stock. By supplying the correct amount of both major and minor elements in a highly palatable form, many problems can be greatly reduced and eliminated.
€ 26.82 26.82 EUR
Nettle - Dried
Nettle contains natural antioxidants and oils that promote a healthy coat and skin.
€ 25.24 25.240000000000002 EUR
A delicious healthy herbal treat "Apple Strudel Flavour"
€ 8.27 8.27 EUR
Mud Heel - Dried
Pure, dried herbs for nutritional support of skin exposed to muddy conditions.
€ 21.09 21.09 EUR
Molassed Chaff
Saracen Molassed Chaff is produced to a traditional recipe and contains 22% fibre which provides essential roughage for any equine diet. It is a highly palatable dust-free product which can be mixed with any form of concentrate ration. The product is chopped longer to prevent feed bolting which can be a contributing factor in cases of colic. The longer chop has the added benefit of making the horse or pony chew its feed for longer.

Digestion starts in the mouth and the horse will only produce saliva when it eats. Saliva helps lubricate the feed and is also an aid to digestion. Therefore, the more the animal chews its feed, the more effective digestion and utilization of the feed will be.
€ 18.49 18.490000000000002 EUR
This product contains comfrey leaf, dandelion and nettle to support normal cell renewal plus joint and bone integrity. Dodson and Horrell also added celery seed and burdock root which promote normal joint and muscular function. Finally, Devil’s claw root which has been used for years to encourage joint mobility and ease of movement was added to the formula.
€ 23.54 23.54 EUR
Mint - Dried
Herbal support of the digestive system and appetite
€ 15.40 15.4 EUR
Milk Thistle - Dried
Milk Thistle has been used for over 2.000 years to protect the liver and promote overal health.
€ 19.95 19.95 EUR
Traditional racing muesli for horses in training. With chelated minerals to improve mineral absorption and activity within the body.
€ 28.03 28.03 EUR
Mare-Care Cubes
Mare-Care is fortified with Stamm30 for nutrient continuity, and has the additional benefits of flexible energy levels to control body condition when the two feeds are used together between early and late pregnancy.

This feed can even be introduced just 30 days before the mare's due date to provide her with balanced and appropriate nutritional support leading up to foaling. There are three additional elements to support the mare and the new foal at birth.
€ 23.55 23.55 EUR
Mare Care
MARE-CARE is a high spec mix for broodmares, providing extra nutritional support to meet the specific nutrient requirements during late pregnancy, leading up to foaling and through lactation.
A broodmare's feeding programme should be divided into three separate stages:

-Early pregnancy, from conception through seven months of pregnancy. Barren mares and pregnant mares without foals by their sides fit into this nutritional category.
-The last trimester of pregnancy, from seven months of pregnancy through to foaling.
-Lactation, which generally lasts for five or six months after foaling.

The nutrient requirements for these three stages differ markedly and adjustments should be made in the mare's feeding programme to accommodate these differences. The most common mistakes made in feeding broodmares are overfeeding during early pregnancy, and underfeeding during lactation.
€ 26.18 26.18 EUR
Mare & Youngstock Concentrate
Mare & Youngstock concentrate is a versatile, lower intake stud feed that is ideal for brood mares that are at grass all day and hence only fed two meals per day. It contains key amino acids and is nutritionally balanced for skeletal development.
€ 32.22 32.22 EUR
Luminance™ is a fortified conditioning supplement that is part rice bran, part milled linseed, providing a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Designed to add concentrated energy to the ration, Luminance™ is a pelleted supplement that will also provide some supplemental vitamins and minerals. Using Luminance™ is an easy and palatable way of adding calories to the diet of any horse needing condition, but the combination of stabilized rice bran and milled linseed gives an extra dimension in how quickly they respond.

Linseed is the richest vegetable source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Increasing dietary levels of Omega-3 fatty acids can have extremely beneficial effects on a sales yearling's coat and skin, and significant benefits to the reproductive status of the stallion and mare have been well documented, when fed.

Suitable for :
- Any horse needing a boost in condition or help with topline
- Adding energy density to any ration
€ 83.75 € 71.19 71.19 EUR

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